Friday, April 17, 2009

Baby Rabbits!!

This week the Mother's Day kids found baby rabbits on the church play ground. They are so cute. Yesterday we made the rabbits a tent to cover them up so they would stay dry today while it's raining. I know they survive all the time out in the wild, but this is my back yard. I just can't let the poor little things get all wet. Every morning we have seen mommy rabbit over at the nest. This morning we got the binoculars and watched her feed and bathe them. Way to cute!! I have read that she will only come once or twice a day to check on them.  She will only nurse them 5 minutes a day. That's my kind of mothering!! They should stay in the nest for 8 weeks. At this point they are less then 10 days old. They should open their eyes around 10 days of life. We will keep you posted.


Robert Conn said...

I gotta say those little fur balls grow on you!

Shelly said...

That is too cool!

Mandy said...

Cooper was so excited when he came home and shared the news yesterday! If they can survive the Mother's Day Out crew, those little suckers will be able to take anything that comes at them!

Julie said...

So cool!! I had baby bunnies in my front yard last year. They were fun to watch!