Saturday, June 19, 2010

This little girl is 2!!

Wow! I can't believe Carley is turning 2 years old!! She is growing so fast. So sweet and loves life, just not right when she wakes up! Being the youngest of four she can hold her own. Just ask the nursery workers at church. The other day I went to pick her up and they told me she was kicked out of the puppet show. What?? I asked. Carley had been pinching other kids so they took her back to her class. That girl! She loves Levi and they both love each other then hate each other at the next turn! She really enjoys climbing up to the top bunk bed and screaming "mommy" until I go and get her down. That games is played several times a day! This girl can dance and loves to sing! Tonight when putting her to bed, I turned out the lights and she yells "I want to sing a song"! So we sing! Love to watch her grow!

Happy Birthday Sweet girl!!

Friday, May 14, 2010


It's been crazy to say the least with moving! Kids are doing great! A few sick kids off and on, but nothing major. Loving PHBC! Great group of people! Loving Tyler! It will take you 15-20 mins to get anywhere. Ashlin finished 2nd grade yesterday!! I am so glad, this teacher needs a break. It has been a hard year of homeschooling. Trying to teach with two little ones running amuck. Ashlin and Claire are the ones doing school. Levi and Carley just run around and yell. Carley just cries "mommy hold you" all day!!! Next year Robert is going to start helping me teach. He has agreed to take on Math! This will mean Ashlin will be up early around 6:30 and start school @ 7:00! That will give Robert about an hour to teach her math. Looking forward to that. That is just one of those subjects that Ashlin needs one on one and a quiet house. With four kids that is hard. We are also joining a Co-op next school year. Looking forward to that too!! (Levi says hi! He is sitting with me.) Well, I think that is a lot of randomness. Take care!!